Sproutbox most popular garden kit with 9 different configurations to choose from. It's 17" tall and designed to outlast a wood-raised bed while still looking amazing. The modular design will effortlessly fit into your dream garden. The choice is yours to build a 5'x5' or 8'x2' or something in between. Made of Aluzinc Steel and complimented by stainless steel hardware and commercial grade rubber edging. It's easy to understand why Canadians are trading in their wood gardens for a Sproutbox Garden.
How do nine different configurations fit into one small package?
This kit highlights the advantages of modular gardening. Included, are 8 side panels and 4 corner panels. Our Sproutbox panels are uniformly designed to fit together in no particular order. This gives you the autonomy to configure the panels in the orientation specific to your dreams. See the configuration guide for the 9 orientations this kit can provide.
What is Aluzic Steel?
Aluzinc steel is cold-rolled galvanized steel with a metal coating composed of Aluminium (55%), Zinc (43.4%), and small amounts of silicon. The benefits of Aluzinc steel include 20 year lifespan, 3-7x stronger than galvanized steel, Corrosion resistant, and Advanced heat reflectivity.
What tools and expertise do I need to build a Sproutbox Garden kit?
All of our garden kits are easy to assemble. A custom wrench and step-by-step instructions are included with your garden kit to ensure a successful backyard experience. No special building expertise is required.