Black Swallow Humic Acid 80% (0-0-5) - Powder

Black SwallowSKU: 210000009193

Size: 1LB
Sale price$16.95
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Water Soluable

Many people struggle with the differences between humic and fulvic acids. The quick and dirty answer is that when organic material is broken down to its most basic and stable form through the compost and soil biology processes, it becomes a very important product called humus. This humus is composed of humic acid, which gives the soil its dark colour. Fulvic acid is then extracted from the humic acid, as it has a very low molecular weight by comparison and is yellowish gold by comparison. For this reason, fulvics are better for foliar applications, and humics for adding to the soil, or for drenching.

Humic acids are an excellent way to add soluble carbon to your soils. it is a powerful nutrient activator that not only stimulates the growth of all soil microorganisms, but also increases the uptake of nutrients, minerals and fertilizers. This creates a two fold high bio-stimulation effect in your soils.

Because of their organic biopolymers, humic acids also help to buffer the soil by reducing the uptake of aluminum, sodium and other metals that have a negative impact on the plants. Humics also help to increase the solubility of bound phosphorus and chelation of micronutrients. Nitrogen leaching is reduced, keeping it in the root zone, and out of the water table. Because of humic acids' ability to hinder the precipitation of these elements across a wide range, plants can grow within a wide PH range.

This means that not only are elements made more available, but coupled with the increased respiration and chlorophyll production, utilization and uptake of nutrients is catalyzed resulting in accelerated growth and health of the plant.


  • Mix 65 grams per 1L water to make a concentrate.
  • Use concentrate at a rate of 4ml per 1L water when applying.

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